Leesburg Center for the Arts hosted this month’s Create in Place. Coffee & Convos is a weekly program every Friday that is free and open to the public. An “artful topic” is selected and advertised and people from all over the county come to drink organic coffee (donated by Vanderbreau) and chat in the gallery space. Every two months or so the topic turns to Creative Sparks, games and exercises to spark creativity. On July 13th the ‘sparks’ chosen were Caption It — a fun melding of photographs and imagination, and the Hasbro word guessing game, Taboo.
Caption It is a “spark” that program coordinator Patt Gilmore put together. Business card size black and white images from the 50’s AND 60”s were printed up and put into a bowl. Each participant chose two cards and wrote captions for what they saw. Then they shared their cation with the group. Others chimed in with their caption ideas making it a hilariously creative exchange.
In previous ‘sparks’ meetings participants played Telephone Drawing (similar to the telephone game we played as kids passing along a sentence from ear to ear) and wrote poetry with random words chosen from a bowl. You can see videos from this on their YouTube channel.
Leesburg Center for the Arts was founded in 2000, when art enthusiasts, community members and organizations, and city officials identified that Leesburg needed a cultural/arts component to improve the quality of life. Their mission is simple to provide art education, awareness and opportunities within the Leesburg area and to enrich their community with art and culture. For more information and for upcoming programs, please visit their website and Facebook page.
All photos provided by Leesburg Center for the Arts.
Do you value creativity in your organization or as an individual? Create in Place is the second Friday of every month and 352Creates is promoting the idea that creativity can happen anytime, anywhere (and it’s good for our health as individuals and as a community)! All you have to do is add #352Creates to your social media posts: make a painting; write a poem; cook a meal; tap your toes; play a song & follow along.
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