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Let’s Dance! How Dancing Makes Exercise Fun

Written by Uma Raja Dancing can be a wonderful stress reliever that benefits both your physical and mental health. When one thinks of dancing, the images that are conjured tend to be poised ballerinas or college students in a dimly-lit fraternity basement. Dancing does not seem to have much of an impact in the working [...]

By | 2021-10-15T17:22:09+00:00 October 15th, 2021|March 24|0 Comments

Artist Spotlight: Jonathan Banks

"I find many of my processes move in and fill the void in other areas of my life using my experiences as therapy translated into music." What inspires your creative practice? Jonathan Banks, also known as, “B.i.g J The Frothy Main,” is an executive producer from Gainesville, FL. He prides himself on versatility and making [...]

By | 2021-10-11T14:19:27+00:00 October 11th, 2021|CreateInPlace, Gainesville|0 Comments