Frequently Asked Questions

352Creates is a community-based movement promoting creativity for health.
352Creates is happening Friday, March 24th and Saturday, March 25th.
They’re not all that different. We want to encourage people to create in their homes and places of work on Friday. You can create wherever you are and whenever you want! You’re free to invite who you want, or you can do something on your own. You don’t have to consider yourself an artist to be creative. Cook a delicious meal and post a photograph to social media using hashtag #352Creates.
YES. Absolutely. We encourage it! If you happen to be in a public area or a bar on Friday March 24th by all means create in place AND community.
Anywhere in the 352 area code! At your home, your place of work, at your local coffee shop, in art galleries, restaurants, bars, hospitals, doctor offices, in your car, in a park, on the sidewalk. Literally anywhere. Get creative.
You can organize something BIG or it can be as simple as coloring and uploading it to social media using #352Creates. There are no rules, except it has to be free for people to participate. Tell us what you’re doing and we’ll promote it. If you don’t think you’re creative, (we think you ARE!), but if you’d rather just come out to Depot Park event from 10AM-2PM on Saturday, March 25th that is okay!
If you’re looking for free activities, check out our Starter Kit page. You can print one out and there you go! If you have an idea but need a space to do it contact a restaurant, your church, or community center. If you’re in Gainesville, 352Creates has space for you on Saturday, March 25th at Depot Park. All activities must be free and open to the public to be part of 352Creates.
Fill out this form and we’ll assign you a spot!
We know creativity is good for your health, but do you? Google it. Try it! Join in the movement, and let’s make Gainesville and surrounding areas the healthiest area of Florida!
You can contact Charlotte, the 352Creates Coordinator: